English / Spanish lessons                                     ðŸ‘€ ESPAÑOL- 👀ITALIANO
one-on-one or in groups - 
via Skype/ Zoom, Google Meet
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ALL LEVELS: Elementary, Intermediate, upper intermediate, advanced. 

The lessons are completely customized so you can reach your goals:

* Business English, Preparation for international exams (PET, FIRST CERTIFICATE, CAE, BEC, TOEFL, etc) Excellent results guaranteed!
* Transfer abroad.
* English / Spanish for work, culture, tourism, etc.
* Homework, School tests
* Conversation: I will help you with your pronunciation, intonation and accent reduction.
* Translation  ( PROZ)

>> Suggestions and practical exercises to reduce accent and improve the mastery of the language.
>> Customized follow-up video / audio file with more specific tips for you.
... and much more!

Contact me!  

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